Thursday 10 January 2013

Different Kind of Love

The smell of coffee, Christmas bells, dim lights and a buzz of laughter… Here I was at Starbucks, with two of my closest friends from college. We were chatting as usual, about all things under and over the sun, poking fun at each other. Talking oodles of nonsense, cracking disgusting and dirty jokes, making whimsical situations out of nothing… Losing track of time and finally realizing how our parents are going to burn us alive.

There is something about hanging out with friends nothing can replace. When I say friends, I don’t mean the huge group of 15-20 people who can match your face with your name in their memory. I mean the 2-3 of them who can name all your allergies.

I was depressed in the morning, over thinking and questioning our very existence. We all have those days when we go so deep into the meaning of life, that we forget to make a meaning of it. Due to a long month of exams, I couldn’t hang out with my friends. All I did was sleep, tweet and eat(and a bit of studying). And yes catch up with some football. The more time I spent alone, the more I drove myself into an insane depression.

After ages, I went out with my best buddies to Starbucks. We spoke of philosophy, history and wonders of nature. We discussed of spirituality and science. We also discussed about the latest episode of Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. My friend went on about how she has fallen in love with BBC’s Sherlock Holmes. We took numerous pictures and freaked our innocent little angel for a friend with talks of the forbidden(shame that its still a forbidden topic).

Your friends are an anti-depressant pill. They are something your boyfriend (or girlfriend) and family can never be. Love isn’t limited to the boy-girl thing, its abundant for everyone, that’s what friends teach you. Friends always have your back, though they might joke about pushing you off a cliff with full joy. With them you can be your ugliest, meanest and silliest. No formality over the last piece of pizza, but a war instead! Want to feel extra awkward in front of your crush, count on your friends. They openly claim they pray every day for a bird to poop on your face.

Yet when you cry, they become your personally hired clowns. They always manage to put a smile on your face, even when you are suicidal. When you are serious, they bring your insane side out. They can make you laugh just by their mere presence. You can share your secrets, fantasies and dreams, which you won’t dare to reveal to anyone else. Not even your family or lover. You may say that a lover makes life worth it, but friends make life beautiful and lively.

While you still breathe, make space and time for your friends. Don’t lose them. While false friends are flowers, who shed away in autumn of your life, true ones are like roots, support you till death. While we always manage to keep in touch with family and be in relationships, somewhere in the journey of life, friends are left behind.